
Monday 10 December 2012

Midnight 31st December 2013

And so, as another year is closing in around us, we do the yearly Post Mortem ... "Where did this year go?", "I feel like nothing has changed", "So many things that I could have done", "Oh well, there's always next year" etc.

Christmas has now become the focus for most, shopping, planning food, planning visits, planning more food! And while all this is not far from my mind, I have been pondering something else, something much more meaningful to me.

A friend of mine said to me a few weeks ago: "I'll bet after the crap year you have had, that you will be glad to see the end of 2012?"

It made me realise that, she could have been more subtle AND as a family, we have endured quite a bit.

However, this year has taught us many lessons, it has made me look into myself and see things I firstly did not know were there, and secondly, didn't want to know were there.  But I have looked those things in the eye and dealt with many of them, some I am still working on and some, well, they may be ongoing projects.

I have also seen myself do things that I never thought I would have to, but I stepped up to the plate and did them anyway ... because I had to, because there is only me to advocate for my kids, and I have brought about some very Happy Endings.  Yes, it was hard, but it was worth it. I have two wonderful children who are now both happy and comfortable in their environments and have the courage and confidence to live their lives knowing who they are and that they are valued.

I have also realised while thinking about her comment again and again, that it seems like it has been a very long time since I have not been sorry to see the back of any year.

So, I have decided, 2013 is going to be THAT year!

The one I will be sorry to see end. The one where, when midnight 31st December 2013 rocks around, I will by crying tears of joy as I try to hold on with all my might to the year that was the best we have experienced in a very long time.  I will be looking around gratefully for all that I have and all that I have achieved.  I will be hugging my children with pride and being more thankful than I have ever been in my entire life, because I will know, that I can do it, that I can achieve anything I need to. All I will have to do is look back on this year and many before to know, that I have what it takes.

What will you be doing at midnight 31st December 2013?

Friday 7 December 2012

Life Lessons

Finally (she says to herself) the blog I have procrastinated about for what seems like an eternity.

Having walked around for so long with a head full of posts, I now find myself, well, empty I suppose is the best description. My brain is not able to convert those private conversations to words at this time.  I just know that I have much to share, on many subjects, but most of all I want to share the stories behind ... My Happy Endings.

I have spent much of my life (like many people) working through phases, going from one challenge to another, loving and living in and out of relationships, moving on as we shift our life stages.  I refer to these changes in our lives as "Life Lessons".

I read and reflect on many positive quotes, I have read many other blogs now, I read and see the news each day, I talk and listen to people and their experiences and it all just makes me more and more passionate about being a better person.

In this time of change in spiritual awareness or a shift in the way people relate to one another, I still hold on to the hope that we might all have a positive impact on our fellow man or the universe as a whole.

It is with this in mind, that I had already started doing what I hope would impact others, that is experiencing My Happy Endings and so, this blog will be my way of sharing those wonders with others in the hope they may provide a solution, an idea, an attitude, some hope or even just a good laugh for someone, and if so, then I will have achieved something great and worth having done.

DISCLAIMER: Whilst I have had many careers in my time and one of which was as a Massage Therapist, if you have Googled and arrived at my blog in relation to matters of Massage, then I am afraid, you will probably be slightly disappointed ... however, why not try reading a few of my posts, as only you can be the judge of that!

"Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them" Dalai Lama