
Thursday 25 April 2013

Hugs - 25th Day of Gratitude

My Mother was a hugger. My Mother and I did not get on too well, so, we did not hug very often; that I can remember anyway.

I would imagine when I was small we hugged a lot, as children do. But I don't remember.

What I do know, is that despite me not being much of a hugger, I am becoming more comfortable with it. I've never been one for displays of public affection until ... I had my kids.

From the minute they were born I hugged them, and I have not stopped. I still manage to get a long hug from the 16 year old at times.  LJ, the 10 year old, will often round us all up for a group hug too. We are all usually happier than this photo shows ...

Today was a day of hugs.  After a very late night last night LJ was so tired he happily snuggled up on the lounge and stayed with me while we watched some TV; and so I got my quota of hugs for the day, in fact, probably enough for a couple of days, I won't complain.

Today I am grateful for hugs.
Where I live if someone gives you a hug it's from the heart. Steve Irwin


  1. Ok, I have to fess up here that I'm a serial hugger. I mean there's nothing better than a great hug. My mum especially loves them, and I always have a hug for my mum. She readily admits that she loves a hug from her favourite son (there's only my sister and I!). My friends even know me as a hugger.

    As a firm advocate of 'the hug' I'm glad that you're becoming more comfortable with it Sandra, and I love that LJ is a hugger - you kinda don't have a choice do you? ;-)

    G. xx

    1. That is lovely to hear. I think it must be the Mother/Son thing. Yes, I am lucky my boys want to hug me, again, I am simply grateful xo
